The Group Bureau is a small group of independently owned companies that have grown primarily from The Care Bureau.
They provide direct services and sector supporting functions to the Health and Social Care sector.
Cross company learning and efficiencies created allows for a synergy that outstrips competitors in each of the individual companies working space.
Care and Support at Home
The Care Bureau provides care, health and support services to people in their own homes. A wide range of services from short visits, to 24 hours. There is also a dedicated Live-In care department.
Classroom and Online Training
The Training Bureau provides classroom training in 4 training centres. There are Health & Social Care courses and general ones, e.g. First Aid at Work. Also provided, a suite of online courses.
Software for the Sector
The ICT Bureau supplies comprehensive software that enables Domiciliary Care and Healthcare Recruitment firms to maximise their productivity, reduce their costs, and leverage technology.

Care and Support at Home
The Care Bureau provides care, health and support services to people in their own homes. A wide range of services from short visits, to 24 hours. There is also a dedicated Live-In care department.
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Classroom and Online Training
The Training Bureau provides classroom training in 4 training centres. There are Health & Social Care courses and general ones, e.g. First Aid at Work. Also provided, a suite of online courses.
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Software for the Sector
The ICT Bureau supplies comprehensive software that enables Domiciliary Care and Healthcare Recruitment firms to maximise their productivity, reduce their costs, and leverage technology.
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